The Bashurverse is a channel dedicated to bringing humorous and lively entertainment to millions of fans. His videos are the concoction of 1 part laughter, 2 parts madness and a whole heaping helping of fun!
As a game commentator, Bashur’s vibrant personality and wacky sense of humor help him stand apart from the crowd. If the Bashurverse brings a smile to your face and a chuckle to your voice, that is the greatest gift we could ask for.
Bashur was born into entertainment. With parents in the music industry, he soon found that he too was destined for the spotlight. It was not music that was his calling however, but that special feeling he got whenever he would make someone laugh.
After years of hard work, Bashur’s comedy is seen by millions around the world in the form of the Bashurverse, a youtube channel dedicated to the crazy digital antics of one truly hilarious individual.